Iran Pulls the Strings as EU Nations Ignore Sanctions, Alliances for Profit

As the novel coronavirus runs rampant across the globe, it has become easier for Iran to mask its behind the scenes schemes. The bellicose, anti-West rhetoric notwithstanding, Iran is playing a game of chess with the rest of the world against the United States.

  • By webmaster | April 9, 2020,10:41 am
Iran Pulls the Strings as EU Nations Ignore Sanctions, Alliances for Profit

With so many sanctions against Tehran, it can come as no surprise that Iran is looking for the means to overcome the obstacles placed in its path. Realistically, they are there for a good reason, though it is easy to forget this as the world sees Iran crumbling under the pressure of the COVID-19 crisis with worsening economic conditions based upon limited trade and exportation. Is it a good idea to relax? 

Despite the ongoing crisis, Iran continues to carry out untold human rights atrocities against an entire indigenous people. America and the EU turn a blind eye by calling this a regional conflict and by calling both groups extremists, possibly constituting an easy path to avoid getting involved in the tussle. 

The reality of it is that Tehran has found a way around the sanctions, and multiple US allies are complicit in helping it. Recent agreements between Germany, France, and Iran are proof of the rest of the world subtly disregarding the  United States. With all of these nations so focused on maintaining the nuclear accord, none is keen to call Iran to task. Financial gain seems to outweigh holding onto the Accords that have been in place for years between allies. If left unchecked, these issues could destabilize the European Union and the United States, let alone any discussion of alliances. 

The kleptocratic regime in Tehran has done nothing to indicate intent to change their ways; in fact, they are just digging deeper. No matter what spin you put on it, the truth of the matter is they cannot be trusted. So, why is it that long-standing United States’ allies in Europe would even give any consideration to this? Sadly the answer is that they see this as an opportunity to weaken the mission of the United States government and forsake their alliances for a quick dollar.


Read also: Iran Urges IMF to Approve COVID-19 Relief Loan Despite US Opposition

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